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New Research on Indigenous Perspectives on Fiduciary Duty
June marks National Indigenous History Month, providing us with the opportunity to reflect
As April comes to an end, we want to reflect back on an amazing month, highlighted by the successful 10th Annual Trust & Investment Conference.
We leave you with some pictures of this important event. #indigenous #trust #investment #conference #NATOA
The 10th Annual Trust & Investment Conference was a tremendous success thanks in large part to our amazing sponsors!
We want to thank each and every one of our sponsors for helping to make this event so successful. #indigenous #trust #investment #sponsors #conference #NATOA
NATOA is a charity organization, and is committed to providing Indigenous Peoples of Canada with the resources and information that will help them efficiently create, manage, and operate trusts as a means to ensure the seven generations yet unborn, can benefit from the goals and dreams of the present generation.
NATOA’s goal is to be a highly professional and relevant resource for Indigenous Peoples in becoming self-sustaining and vital economic communities.

Our Mandate
The Board of Directors of NATOA are committed to ensuring that the best possible information on areas relevant to Trusts, such as investing, Trust structures; accounting, tax, management, administration, and legal issues is available through an internet-based research library website and national/regional workshops.
As more and more Indigenous governments, organizations, and communities establish trusts to hold and manage the funds obtained from their claims (land claims, treaty land entitlement, hydro claims) or business activities, it is critical to ensure these funds are prudently and responsibly managed and that structures are in place to reflect the particular aspirations and objectives of an individual community.
NATOA’s commitment to strengthening Indigenous communities and their ability to meet their own member needs and desires through financial opportunities utilizing trust funds and investing principles that are consistent with Indigenous Cultural traditions and values generally and those of individual communities specifically. Advancing the goals and opportunities of Indigenous women and youth is vital to the capacity and future success of our Trusts and communities.
Committees of Members
NATOA has developed several committees of members to meet the needs of the entire membership. The Committees that are currently operating and/or forming are:
Check out our Blog
Here you can read expert opinions areas relelated to investing, Trust structures, accounting, tax, management, administration and legal issues.
New Research on Indigenous Perspectives on Fiduciary Duty
June marks National Indigenous History Month, providing us with the opportunity to reflect upon the diverse histories, strengths, and
RRII wins 2020 RIA Market Education Award
Reconciliation and Responsible Investment Initiative wins 2020 RIA Market Education Award. The collaboration between National Aborigin
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